Generics - List collection
// Generics example.
// Build a collection which accepts only a specific class type.
// ex: collection below accepts only cPerson
namespace LearnOOp
public class cGenericPersoncol
public string BuildGenericPersons()
cPerson cPer = new cPerson();
cPer.Name = "J Push";
//Create a List collection of type cPerson
List cPerColl = new List();
//// uncomment this line to test the collection. this should throw an error if you try passing //// a cMachine type class to the List collection created earlier.
//cMachine cMac = new cMachine();
//cMac.MachineName = "Matsumito";
return cPerColl[0].Name;
// Person class
public class cPerson
string myName;
public string Name {
get { return myName; }
set { myName = value; }
// Machine class
public class cMachine
string myMachineName;
public string MachineName {
get{return myMachineName;}
set{myMachineName = value;}